
Nasal administration of insulin showed the attractive potential to improve the compliance of diabetic patients and alleviate mild cognitive impairment of Alzheimer's patients. However, the nasal absorption of insulin was not ideal, limiting its therapeutic effect in clinic. This study was to explore the potential of glyceryl monocaprylate–modified chitosan (CS-GMC) on the intranasal absorption of insulin via in vivo pharmacodynamic experiment in conscious rats. It was demonstrated that the absorption-enhancing effect of CS-GMC depended on the existing state of insulin in the formulation, substitution degree of GMC on chitosan and concentration of CS-GMC. Better insulin absorption was achieved when insulin existed in molecular form compared with that in polyelectrolyte complexes. CS-GMC with substitution degree 12% (CS-GMC 12%) was a preferred absorption enhancer, and its absorption enhancing effect increased linearly with the increment of its concentration in the range investigated. Compared with chitosan of the same concentration, CS-GMC12% showed remarkably enhanced and prolonged therapeutic effect up to at least 5 h under the concentration of 0.6% (w/v). CS-GMC12% showed almost no ciliotoxicity to the nasal cilia up to concentration 1.0% (w/v). In conclusion, CS-GMC was a promising absorption enhancer to improve the intranasal absorption of insulin.

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