
The response of hard and semi-soft pear cultivars Patharnakh and Punjab Beauty, respectively to girdling was evaluated on 18-year-old vigorous plants growing under uniform cultural practices. Girdling was practiced on trunk (TG), limb (LG) and sub-limb (SLG) during flower initiation (FI), 15 days after flower initiation (15 DAFI) and 30 days after flower initiation (30 DAFI). Foliar leaf nitrogen and potassium levels in both the cultivars were significantly reduced with girdling treatments. However, foliar calcium level was significantly enhanced up to 3.93% in Patharnakh and 3.62% in Punjab Beauty, whereas, phosphorus and magnesium levels were not significantly influenced with girdling in both the cultivars. Among micro-nutrients; iron, zinc and copper contents were recorded significantly higher in girdled trees, however, manganese content was reduced significantly in both the cultivars.

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