
Two main and complementary functions within the competence of the teacher in his daily practice. A didactic function of structuring and regulating the content taught and a pedagogical function of management, relational and communicative regulation of life in the classroom. In addition to the pedagogical and didactic management of the session, there is the emotional management and the movements and placements of the physical education (PE) teacher during his educational intervention. Through this study, this study seeks to clarify the influence of PE teacher gender on teaching practice during the dynamics of gymnastics sessions. Thirty PE teachers were involved in this study, divided into 15 men and 15 women. Gymnastics sessions were filmed and self-confrontation interviews were conducted with the participants. MB-Ruler software was used to measure teacher-student interpersonal distance. The results show that the gender of the PE teacher impacts his teaching practice. The female teacher is involved and invests more physically and mentally than the male teacher during the educational intervention.

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