
Ayurveda give more importance to promotion of health and prevention of disease rather than disease and cure. Poison is in everything, only the dose decides its effects. One of the hidden poisons is the concocted poison known as Garavisha. Ayurveda explains this Visha as the combination of poisonous or non-poisonous substances which produces chronic toxicity by interfering in the process of digestion. People unknowingly consume various combination substances which are harmful to health. The insect powder, human waste products are some of the agents of Garavisha. Many food items are consume daily contain some of the natural toxins. By knowing these food items can be reduced the chances of toxicity. Ayurveda defines Garavisha in a marvellous way and describes the treatment as well like Vamana Karma, Agadpaana. Ayurveda plays an important role in management of Garavisha. Dushivisha is one of the unique concepts explained in Ayurveda. It is a type of toxin which remains inside the body for long & then produces various ill effects on the body. In present era, people are exposing to various toxins in day-to-day life which is causing various health problems. There are many such illnesses where treatment does not work, as it is not eliminating the root cause. The ancient concept of Dushivisha seems to be more relevant in this context. So, this topic is selected to study the concept comprehensively with the object of highlighting it with modern approach.

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