
ABSTRACT Influence of gamma irradiation and colored polyethylene packaging on the selected parameters, namely moisture, proteins, fiber, fats and shelf life of palm date (Phoenix dactylifera L.) was studied. The date samples were irradiated with 20, 50, 100, 200 and 300 krads, respectively. The treated and whole samples were packed in blue, green, yellow, black and white polyethylene bags. The moisture contents of date were very close in all packed and treated date samples with irregular changes. In proteins, the decrease is higher in the first 3 months, whereas in the last 3 months no prominent difference was noticed. Maximum protein decrease was recorded for control samples in the blue packaging, i.e., the decrease is from 2.32 to 0.1%. Minimum decrease (2.32–1.4%) was recorded for samples in white and yellow packaging, at doses of 300 and 200 krads, respectively. The fiber contents of date samples irradiated with 20, 50, 100, 200 and 300 krads and packed in white packaging decrease as 2.33, 2.37, 2.36, 2.34 and 2.31%, respectively. The fiber levels decrease gradually in all samples in irregular pattern. The results of fat contents clearly indicate that packaging and radiation doses up to 300 krads do not affect the contents. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS Conservation and preservation of food is a prerequisite for food security. It provides economic stability and self-reliance to a nation. Date palms (Pheonix dactylera L.) are usually stored for longer periods and thus postharvest contamination of dates is common. The spoilage of fresh/dried dates by insects, bacteria, color deterioration and chemical changes during storage is a serious problem in hot, humid tropical conditions like in that Pakistan. Because of the ban on chemical fumigants, many countries have had to either limit or stop the export of some agricultural commodities. This resulted in economic loss, further balance-of-trade deficits and curtailment of consumer food choices. In this situation, food irradiation offers a significant alternative method for reducing storage losses and meeting plant quarantine requirements. The study conducted was of prime importance and great economic value, especially to the forthcoming regulations and standards of the World Trade Organization, involving pest-free quality-export commodities.

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