
The purpose of the study was to investigate whether gallopamil interferes with neutrophil activation. In vitro, gallopamil caused a dose-dependent reduction in phorbol myristate acetate-stimulated superoxide anion production by neutrophils as measured by the superoxide dismutase inhibited reduction of cytochrome C [concentration of 50% inhibition (IC50) = 9.5 ± 10-6 mol/L]. Furthermore, gallopamil reduced the platelet-activating factor-induced loss of neutrophil deformation, which was assessed by filtrometry (IC50 = 4.3 ± 10-6 mol/L). The effect of gallopamil was assessed in 24 patients during elective balloon angioplasty. Gallopamil (0.4 mg) or placebo (double-blind conditions) was administered by in-tracoronary application during the 10-min interval between the first two balloon inflations. In the placebo group, blood samples obtained simultaneously from the coronary sinus and from the femoral artery revealed an increase in the proportion of activated neutrophils in the coronary sinus blood after the second balloon inflation [nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT) score, NBT test: 15 ± 9% relative coronary sinus and arterial blood difference, p < 0.05]; these changes in NBT score were similar to those after the first balloon inflation. In the gallopamil-treated group, however, significant arterial and coronary sinus blood differences in NBT scores were not found after the second balloon inflation. Gallopamil may, thus, attenuate the local neutrophil activation during balloon angioplasty.

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