
Inhibition of mycelial growth of the low-temperature basidiomycete (LTB) strain LRS 233, which causes LTB rot of pome fruit, was evaluated on potato dextrose agar amended with 15 fungicides. Flusilazole and triadimefon were the most effective fungicides, reducing growth by 98.2 and 71.5%, respectively, when used at 1 μg mL1. Mancozeb was effective at a higher concentration, reducing growth 96.9% when used at 100 μg mL1. In orchard tests, dodine, metiram, sodium hypochlorite and ziram reduced LTB rot of Spartan apples in controlled-atmosphere (CA) storage in 1986–1987 and 1988–1989. Flusilazole and imazalil were also effective, but thiophanate-methyl was ineffective in controlling LTB rot. Flusilazole, propiconazole and myclobutanil effectively reduced the incidence of LTB rot of inoculated apples, while mancozeb and metiram were ineffective. The LTB fungus grows more slowly in CA storage than in air. After 28 d in CA storage, the average colony diameter and weight of three LTB strains were reduced 25.5 and 65.7%, respectively, compared with air storage. Key words: Coprinus rot, postharvest, storage, control

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