
The study was conducted in Tamale and three villages around it. The method involved processing and smoking some raw freshwater fish species with different fuel wood species to ascertain the quality of the smokedproducts. A market survey was conducted to match the quality of the smoked products with those sold on the market and determine consumer preference on the Tamale Central Market (TCM). The results indicate thateight locally available fuel wood species produced preferred colours in the smoked fish; and have been classified as good fuel wood; while two imparted least preferred colours, and are considered bad fuel wood. All the fuelwood species had high relative efficiency (>5.5%). Thirty-one smoked freshwater fish species, belonging to 21 families were sold on the TCM. These come from 9 sources. Yeji supplied the highest quantity. Smoked freshwater fish species make a significant contribution to the economy of the Tamale Metropolis.

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