
Absorption coefficient of soot aggregates in the infrared region is investigated using multi-sphere T matrix algorithm. As the refractive index of soot is relatively high, the interaction between neighboring particles is important and Rayleigh approximation is invalid. The absorption cross section of soot is much higher than the Rayleigh approximation prediction. The effect of fractal parameters, dimension Df and prefactor kf, on absorption can be substantial and varies strongly with optical size parameter x and refractive index m. Families of fractal structures having similar absorption cross sections have been identified. It is noted that the fractal structures from the same family have similar particle distance correlation functions. Following this, an empirical model for absorption of soot as a function of m, x and fractal parameters has been developed. The model successfully predicts the absorption within ±5% for various fractal structures. Compared to Rayleigh approximation, the absorption enhancement can be as high as 200% at low temperatures and 120% at high temperatures. Effects of fractal parameters on absorption enhancement are important for low temperature applications but are not significant at high temperatures. This is mainly due to high refractive indices of soot at long wavelengths and shift of emitted radiation towards short wavelengths with increase in temperature.

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