
ABSTRACTFrom each of 159 litters, between one and three pigs were fedad libitumand between one and four pigs were fed at several restricted feeding levels from about 27 to 107 kg live weight. Effects of litter by feeding regimen (ad libitumv.restricted feeding) interactions (L × F) and sex by feeding regimen interactions (S × F) on production traits were investigated. In experimental groups where restrictedly fed animals received an amount of food based on their estimated voluntary food intake capacity (FIC), interactions were non-significant. In groups where restricted feeding was independent of FIC, significant L × F or S × F interactions were found for daily food intake (FI), daily gain, lean tissue growth rate and fatty tissue growth rate, but not for body composition and food conversion traits.Because of between-animal variation in FIC, restricted feeding according to a fixed scale restricted intake of some animals to a higher degree than others and degree of food intake restriction (DFR) was calculated from actual FI and FIC for animals fed at a restricted level. After correction of FI and production traits of restrictedly fed animals for differences in DFR, L × F and S × F interactions were not significant.It was concluded that the poor relationships often found between test-station results of boars and results of their progeny in practical environments may be caused, to an important extent, by differences in DFR in each environment. To overcome these genotype by environment interactions it is recommended that animals be fedad libitumin both test and commercial environments.

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