
Background: Rapid expansion in population increased the global food demand. To meet this surge in demand for food and to ensure food and nutritional security addition of pulses in the cropping system is a visible alternative. Pulses intensifies cropping intensity, enhances health and fertility status of the soil and acts as a good source of dietary protein etc. However, due to a wide gap between the potential and actual yield of pulses in rainfed areas. Hence, identification and adoption of best management practices has become a pre-requisite. The present study was undertaken as the information available on foliar nutrition and different crop geometries on performance of different blackgram genotypes in rainfed condition is meagre. Methods: In this investigation conducted during kharif season of 2018 at Advanced Centre for Rainfed Agriculture, SKUAST-Jammu, Rakh Dhiansar. The experiment was laid out in factorial randomized block design with 3 factors and 3 replications. The factor-1 consisted of three blackgram cultivars (Uttara, PU-31 and Mash-114), factor 2 consisted of two crop geometries (30×10 cm and 45×10 cm) and factor-3 consisted of three foliar nutrition (Foliar spray of molybdenum as sodium molybdate @ 0.1% at 20 DAS, Foliar spray of 1.5% KCl at flowering and Foliar spray of molybdenum as sodium molybdate @ 0.1% at 20 DAS fb 1.5% KCl at flowering). Result: The results from the present investigation indicated that adoption of Mash-114 at 30×10 cm crop geometry, supplemented with foliar application of molybdenum as sodium molybdate @ 0.1% at 20 DAS fb 1.5% KCl at flowering could be a viable technological proposition under rainfed conditions of Jammu.

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