
A flipbook, traditionally a sequence of printed images generating a motion illusion when flipped, assumes a more interactive, digitally-simulated format in the contemporary context. This technology, frequently employed for educational purposes and online publishing, fosters engaging and interactive experiences. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of flipbooks in facilitating the learning of science among secondary school students. The research design chosen for this investigation was the single group pre-and-post-test experimental group design. A group of 30 students, selected through purposive sampling techniques, constituted the sample of the study. To assess the achievement, a multiple-choice question was employed. Statistical techniques such as the Shapiro Wilks Test, t-test, mean and standard deviation, were employed. The study revealed an enhanced student understanding of flipbooks following an intervention, compared to the pre-intervention stage. The conclusion drawn was that flipbook media could effectively enhance students’ science learning attainments.

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