
Propagation of flames and detonation waves in fuelair mixtures with inhibitor additives is studied. Propane and hydrogen are chosen as fuels and tetrafluorodibrorooethane as an inhibitor. Experiments are performed in a tube. The detonation and flammability limits are determined as functions of the inhibitor concentration in the mixture. For propane-air mixtures the additive decreases the detonation velocity beyond the value characteristic of detonation limits of noninhibited mix* tures.The flammability limits narrow faster than the detonability limits as the inhibitor concentration grows, so that detonation propagates in mixtures that can not support flame, / I n inhibited hydrogen-air mix tures detonation limits are narrower than the flammability limits. A comparison of the calculated and measured detonation velocities reveals that the inhibitor additives enhance to some extent the heat release !behind the detonation wave. For hydrogen-air mixtures the measured velocities exceed the calculated ones at Copyright © 1992 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved. *Head of Laboratory, N. Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics. fGraduatc Student, Moscow Physical Engineering Institute, t Junior Researcher, N. Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics. §Engineer, Moscow Physical Engineering Institute. fSenior Researcher, N. Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics.

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