
AbstractInformation on the nutrient status of soils of the outer Islands of the Indonesian Archipeligo is limited. Attempts are being made to establish a cattle industry based on legume pastures, and this work has created a need for detailed nutrient investigations. Legumes have generally failed to produce and persist in large areas of South Sulawesi which are presently covered by Imperata cylindrica. A series of field experiments were conducted to investigate the nutrient status of a Glossudalf soil. Such soils cover large areas of upland country in Sulawesi that are used for cattle grazing. P, K, S, Mo, Cu, and Zn containing fertilizers were broadcast onto field plots that were oversown with Centrosema pubescence. Nutrient responses were measured during a 1‐year period by cutting quadrats from the plots. Responses to S, applied as either elemental S (brimstone) or as sulfate (in superphosphate), and Mo were recorded. In one experiment elemental S, applied at 13 kg/ha, lifted the yield of Centro from 4,068 kg/ha (green) to 10,491 kg/ha (green) over a 17‐week period. The increase in Centro production lead to a decline in the production of Imperata cylindrica.

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