
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of organic fertilizer (cattle manure) and monoammonium phosphate (Russian MAP-R and Serbian MAP-S) on available Cd levels in soil and Cd uptake by lettuce plants grown on vertisol and fluvisol. Fertilization treatments were as follows: control - without fertilization, mature cattle manure (20 g kg-1 soil), MAP-R (0.1 g kg-1 soil), MAP-S (0.1 g kg-1 soil). Prior to the experiment, available Cd level was higher in vertisol (0.06 mg kg-1) than in fluvisol (0.04 mg kg-1). The manure application had no significant effect on increased DTPAextractable Cd content in both soils, as compared to control. Available Cd level was decreased by MAP-R (vertisol 0.0494 mg kg-1, fluvisol 0.0227 mg kg-1) and increased by MAP-S application (vertisol 0.0577 mg kg-1, fluvisol 0.0288 mg kg-1) in both soil types as compared to control. The use of manure and MAP increased Cd concentration in lettuce, in all treatments except in manure treatment on vertisol. Lettuce head weight was highest in manure treatment on both soil types.

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