
A field experiment was conducted during the rainy seasons of 1999 and 2000, to find out the effect of fertility levels and herbicides on growth, yield and nutrient uptake of direct-seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.). The fertility level up to N4,P4,K,, + 25 kg ZnSO, + foliar spray of micronutrient mixture (thrice) proved the best, producing 6.34 qlha extra grain and Rs 6,9681ha extra net return over no fertility level. Hand-weeding (20 and 40 days after sow- ing) showed 72% weed-control efficiency with additional grain yield up to 9.91 qlha and net return up to Rs 5,0421ha over unweeded control. Pendimethalin 1.0 kglha or anilophos 0.40 kglha each with 2,4-D (Na-salt) 0.60 kglha showed 50 to 51% weed-control efficiency and proved the best substitute of hand-weeding (twice), the ex- tra net return being Rs 3,689 and Rs 3,074/ha, respectively, over unweeded control. The seed protein and nutri- .ent uptake were also increased significantly with increasing fertility levels and the herbicides over their respec- tive controls.

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