
The field experiment was conducted to study the effect on yield, water use, economics and storability of onion during rabi season of 2014-17 at Interfaculty Department of Irrigation Water Management, MPKV Rahuri. The experiment comprised of 100, 80 and 60 per cent recommended dose of fertilizer through fertigation, irrigation N and K through drip and P application in soil, drip with conventional fertilizers application in soil, surface irrigation with conventional fertilizers as control and micro-sprinkler irrigation with 100 % RDF through fertigation. The drip irrigation was beneficial than surface irrigation in increasing the yield (78.8 %) and saving the fertilizer. The total seasonal water requirement in drip irrigation was 480.3 mm compared to 807.2 mm in surface irrigation. The drip irrigation with 100 % RDF though fertigation was profitable higher net seasonal income of Rs. 2,74,445 per ha, compared to control (Rs.1,41,955 per ha) with B:C of 4.62 and water productivity of Rs. 566 per mm of water used. The micro-sprinkler irrigation with 100 % RDF through fertigation had significantly maximum total storage losses of 21.10 per cent followed by surface irrigation with 100 % RD of conventional fertilizer (19.86 %) and drip irrigation with 100 % RDF through fertigation. The results revealed that drip fertigation with 100 % RDF through fertigation in 13 weekly splits as per schedule is the best treatment to improve the yield, economical returns and storability of onion (var. N-2-4-1) cultivated in silty clay loam soils of Western Maharashtra.

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