
An experiment was conducted on two consecutive years during 2016–17 & 2017–18 to Effect of fertigation on different cultivars and spacing in parthenocaepic cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) under protected condition at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Raisen (M.P). The whole experiment was arranged 12 treatments consisting of three cultivars V1- Kafka, V2 - Kian and V3 -Hilton along with two levels of spacing S1- 50 × 30 cm, S2 - 50 x 50 cm and 2 levels of fertigation F1 -once in a week, F2- once in a 10th days interval (recommended dose of N P K-8:3.5:9 kg/500m2. The experiment was laid out in factorial completely randomized design with three replications. The results showed that all vegetative characters under study were significantly influenced by various cultivars along with levels of spacing and time of fertigation. The effects of cultivars, spacing and time of fertigation were significant for most of vegetative characteristics except weight fruit1. The variety Kafka was found to be significantly superior in respect of yield and yield attributing traits having maximum values of 2.78 kg and 14.92 kg yield per vine and per square meter, respectively. The characters like vine length, intermodal distance, leaf area, days to flower bud initiation, fruit set (%), fruit drop (%), no. of fruit per vine, fruit length, fruit width, yield per vine and yield per m2 were significantly influenced by interaction effect of variety, spacing and time of fertigation. The treatment of V1S1F1 registered significantly highest vegetative and yield attributing characters. However, treatment combination of V3S2F2 registered lowest yield per vine and per square meter (1.43 & 5.73kg, respectively).

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