
The research included a study of nutrition with vitamins, sugars, pollen and some dispersal methods in from 5/7/2020 to 5/15/2021 to evaluate the nutrients and their effect on the open and closed brood space, honey area, pollen, eggs, the increase in cell weight, the quantity of honey produced as well as the number of packages of honey bee (Apis mellifera L) colonies. The results showed that feeding with vitamins, sugars and pollen has an important role in preparing the colonies before winter, as they passed it with strong colonies compare with the comparison treatment (without feeding) and with the highest numerical density in the nylon packing boxes treatment compared to the comparison treatment during the tenth month readings. The treatment of cork boxes in the fed colonies was distinguished in the production of immature honey compared to the control treatment. The results also showed the superiority of the colonies fed during the months of November and December 2020 with the same materials over the comparison treatment in bee density, open honey, sealed honey, pollen, eggs, larvae and sealed brood) compared to the control treatment. The fed and treated colonies passed some winterization requirements in good condition and gave the highest cell weights compared to the control treatment in mud boxes, sandwich boxes, wall coverings, cork boxes, and nylon packing. As for the production of sorted honey, the fed and dispersed colonies outperformed the fed and scattered colonies with treatments compared to the comparison treatment, and in the production of parcels, the comparison treatment did not produce any parcels, while the fed and dispersed colonies produced parcels.

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