
PARKER (1943) fed graded amounts of thyroactive iodocasein to five lots of Rhode Island Red chicks during a period of 12 weeks. At the optimum level a slightly greater rate of growth was observed in comparison to the controls and a rather marked stimulation of feather growth. Irwin, Reineke and Turner (1943) confirmed these results using White Plymouth Rock chicks. The effect of thyroactive iodocasein, hereafter referred to as protamone** on certain gland and organ weights was also reported. In this experiment it was noted that the carcass of the protamone-fed chicks at 12 weeks contained decidedly less fat than the control chicks, indicating that the growth process was being stimulated at the expense of fat deposition. Further, the feeding of protamone had caused a marked suppression of the thyroid gland weight and probably its function.It seemed of interest to determine the effects on body weight, fattening, and gland .

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