
Twelve Marwari kids divided into two equal groups of six in each, were fed ad libitum for 120d a green gram straw based complete feed blocks (GGS-CFB) diet. One group was supplemented with yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) culture (YS), while the other group (YU) without any supplementation served as control. The DM intake was similar between the two groups, which was 78.46 and 84.01 g/kg W0.75 amounting to 3.92 and 4.12 kg/100 kg BW, respectively, in YU and YS groups. Yeast supplementation increased (P<0.01) digestibility of DM, OM, CP, EE NFE, CF, NDF and ADF. Average daily gain was higher (P<0.05) in YS group (91.89 g) as compared to YU group (82.74 g), whereas feed conversion ratio was similar between the two groups. The DCP and TDN contents were 10.45 and 58.05% in YU group and 11.12 and 61.68% in YS group, respectively and were similar between the groups. Animals of both groups were in positive nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus balances. Yeast supplementation significantly improved rumen pH, decreased concentrations of lactic acid, ammonia nitrogen, and increased TVFA, total protozoal counts, and TCA-perceptible nitrogen. It is concluded that yeast culture supplementation with GGS-CFB based ration improved nutrient digestibility, average daily gain and promoted rumen fermentation by reducing lactic acid production and increasing volatile fatty acids.

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