
The objectives of the study were to investigate the Effect of family climate and parental encouragement on academic achievement of school Going Adolescents. There were 200(100 girls and 100 boys students) school going adolescents in the VIIth and IX standard was selected by purposive sampling method from Akola city in Maharashtra state. The family climate questionnaire by Dr. Beena Shah and parental encouragement scale by Dr. R.R. Sharma psychological tests were used for data collection. Data was analyzed by correlation method and descriptive method, Result showing that there is positive relationship between family climate and academic achievement. Thus highly satisfactory the family climate, higher is the academic achievement of adolescents. Positive insignificant correlation was observed between parental encouragement and academic achievement of girls adolescents even at 5% level of significance. Negative and significant correlation was observed between parental encouragement and academic achievement of boys adolescent i.e. as the parental encouragement increases, academic achievement decreases. Hence on the basis of these results, formulated two hypotheses were accepted. It was recommended that parents need to be aware of the importance of their role in their children’s academic achievement motivation so that they can provide the necessary facilities at home.

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