
Abstract Two glutinous rice-based snack formulations were designed using a linear-programming model to minimize total cost to meet the FAO/WHO/UNU. (1985). Energy and protein requirements . Report of a joint FAO/WHO/UNU expert consultation. Technical report series 724. Geneva: WHO requirements for lysine and sulphur amino acids. Effects of protein concentration, feed moisture content and barrel temperature on the chemical and physical properties of the extruded product were investigated. Response surfaces for the parameters were generated using a second-degree polynomial. The high protein nutritious snack was obtained using glutinous rice flour, vital wheat gluten and toasted soy grits. A factorial design was employed to investigate the influence of feed protein content (20 and 30 g/100 g wb), feed moisture (20, 25, and 30 g/100 g wb) and barrel temperature (150 and 180 °C) on the physical and chemical properties of extrudates. Results showed that increasing feed moisture and reducing barrel temperature reduced non-protein nitrogen (NPN) and enhanced lysine retention. The protein and moisture content of raw material and barrel temperature had no significant influence on cysteine and methionine content. The conditions providing high expansion, low bulk density, and low shear strength of extruded snack were feed moisture of 20 g/100 g wb and 180 °C.

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