
The purpose of the research is to reveal what is to be achieved with the final results 1) Completion of the problems that have arisen to produce new wisdom, 2) Prevent all predicted problems will arise, 3) as a comparison of existing theories. Specifically, the purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a direct influence between training methods and the efficacy of increasing 800 meters running distance at Pattimura University Students Teacher Training and Education Faculty 2015/2016 Physical Education and Recreation Physical Education Study Program. This research was conducted at Patimura University, Faculty of Health and Education, Penjaskesrek Study Program involving 60/17 students in the 2016/17 semester as research subjects. The method used in this study is an experimental method based on SuarsiminArikunto's reference. Experimental research, according to Ali Maksum, is a rigorous study to find out the causal relationship between variables. One of the main characteristics in experimental research is the existence of treatments (treatments) that are worn on the subject or object of the researcher. Research design or research design is a plan and structure of inquiry arranged so that researchers will be able to obtain answers to their research questions. The results showed that to increase the results of 800 meters running in Unipatti Ambon FKIP Penjaskesrek students can be improved through interval training methods, continuous training methods, and fartlek training methods by controlling endurance first.

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