
Abstract Ethylene-induced abscission of pepper (Capsicum frutescens L. cv. Hungarian Hot Yellow Wax) flower buds, leaves, and fruit depended on ethylene source (i.e. ethylene gas from a compressed gas source vs. ethylene released from Silaid) and concentration. In response to ethylene from either source, flower buds and small fruit (< 10 mm long) abscised most readily and fully expanded leaves least readily. Concentrations of Silaid that induced fruit abscission comparable to a given concentration of ethylene gas induced significantly greater leaf abscission than ethylene gas. Application of Silaid at dusk resulted in a small, but significant, increase in abscission relative to early morning application. Progressive increases in temperature between 18° and 32°C enhanced fruit and leaf abscission in response to ethylene gas. Abscission mediated by ethylene gas was not affected by light intensities between 120 and 300 µmol·m–2·s–1 PAR. Chemical name used: (2-chloroethyl)methylbis(phenyImethoxy)silane (Silaid, CGA-15281).

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