
To evaluate most economical and efficient weed management practices in dry direct seeded rice, a field experiment was conducted at research block of AFU Rampur, Chitwan during the Kharif 2016 season. The treatments consisted of two establishment practices viz., zero till and conventional tillage and eight weed management practices such as weedy check, weed free, Pendimethalin followed by hand weeding at 20 DAS 1 kg a.i ha-1, Pendimethalin followed by 2, 4-D ethyl ester at 25 DAS 1 kg a.i ha-1, pendimethalin followed by bispyribac-Na at 25 DAS at 25 g a.i ha-1, pendimethalin followed by ethoxysulfuron at 25 DAS 25 g a.i ha-1, pendimethalin followed by penoxsulam at 25 DAS 25 g a.i ha-1, pendimethalin followed by (ethoxysulfuron + bispyribac-Na. The experiment was conducted in split plot design with three replications. The result of experiment showed that non-significant difference was notice among the establishment method. However, significant difference was observed in weed management practices in all the traits expect number of weeds m-2, number of weed species m-2, and dry weight of broad leaf, narrow leaf and sedges weeds. The higher number of weeds m-2 was found in weedy check plot which resulted in higher weed infestation at all the stages as compared to other weed management practices. Application of pendimethalin followed by hand weeding at 20 DAS recorded higher weed control efficiency which reflected in higher yield of 4202 kg ha-1 was recorded under this treatment as compared to weedy check plot (1292.13 kg ha-1) but rest of the treatments are statistically at par with other weed management practices.

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