
Epidural electrical stimulation (ECS) combined with rehabilitative training could improve behavioral function for stroke both in clinical and animal studies. Though the primary motor cortex (M1) ECS has some effects on recovery, the performance are not good enough and better sites for stimulation need further investigation. In this study, we compared the effects of ECS on M1 and premotor cortex (PM). Twelve rats were trained to the single-pellet retrieval (SPR) task before receiving photothrombotic ischemia model and electrodes implantation. They were randomly distributed to three groups: M1 stimulation, PM stimulation and no stimulation (Control) groups. The 100Hz monopolar cathodal stimulation were given concurrent with rehabilitation training over recovery days. The performance on SPR task were scored for analysis. Our results showed that M1 ECS had a better effect on behavioral improvement compared to the other two groups.

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