
Background/purpose Currently, tracheal occlusion (TO) is a potent stimulus for fetal lung growth but also a rather invasive and high-risk procedure. The aim of this study was to investigate a new and much less invasive therapeutic strategy, namely the maternal intraperitoneal administration of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and its effect on pulmonary hypoplasia in the nitrofen-induced congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) rat model, especially its effect on type II pneumocytes. Methods CDH was induced by maternal administration of a single oral dose (100 mg) of nitrofen on day 8.5 of pregnancy. Four groups of pregnant rats were designed on day 18.5: normal control (n = 4), CDH (n = 4), CDH plus Dex (n = 4), CDH plus EGF (n = 8). All fetuses were delivered by cesarean section on day 21. Accordingly, there were 4 groups of fetuses: normal controls (n = 33), nitrofen-induced CDH (n = 19), CDH plus Dex treatment (n = 15), and CDH plus EGF treatment (n = 24). Lung tissue weight (LW) and body weight (BW) of each fetus were recorded, lung histologic and morphometric evaluations were performed, and image analysis was combined after lung processing. Transmission electron microscopy was used for ultrastructural observation, especially type II pneumocytes. Results CDH was observed in 58 of the 94 rat fetuses (61.7%). Lw/Bw of CDH group was significantly lower than those of Dex and EGF ( P < .05). The lungs of CDH fetuses showed marked hypoplasia, in contrast to improved mesenchymal differentiation in that of Dex and EGF fetuses. Statistical differences of these morphologic parameters (RAC, MTBD, interstitial%, and alveoli%) were found ( P < .05). As to ultrastructural features, type II cells of CDH lungs had few if any lamellar bodies and cytoplasmic organelles, and showed evidence of abundant glycogen granules. The sparse type II cells also showed cytoplasmic degenerative changes. By contrast, type II cells of EGF lungs showed numerous mitochondria, abundant lamellar bodies (surfactant) and deficiency of glycogen granules, and displayed prominent microvillous projections and pitlike depressions. The density of type II pneumocyte were 65 ± 4.5, 31 ± 3.1, and 8 ± 1.5 for EGF, Dex, and CDH, respectively (EGF v Dex, P < .05; EGF v CDH, P < 0.01). Conclusions Compared with TO, prenatal EGF administration as a much less-invasive therapeutic strategy had shown marked improvement in pulmonary hypoplasia and promotion of type II pneumocyte differentiation in the nitrofen-induced CDH rat model. Thus, EGF could improve the prognosis of CDH by means of promoting pulmonary hypoplasia and improving the surfactant deficiency, which suggested a potential role in the clinical treatment of CDH.

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