
Independent isomeric yield ratios of132I were radiochemically determined in alpha particle induced fission of238U in the energy range 25–44 MeV. Fission fragment angular momenta were deduced from the measured isomeric yield ratios using spin dependent statistical model analysis. It was seen that angular momentum of132I increases with increase of excitation energy and angular momentum of the fissioning nucleus. Comparison of the present data on132I in238U(α,f) with the literature data for the same product in238U(p, f) and238U(γ, f) at various excitation energies show that fragment angular momentum strongly depends on the input angular momentum in the range of excitation energy considered. Experimental fragment angular momentum at all excitation energies were seen to be in agreement with the theoretical values calculated based on thermal equilibration of the various collective rotational degrees after considering the occurence of multichance fission. Thus, strong effect of input angular momentum as well as the statistical equilibration among the various collective rotational degrees of freedom in medium energy fission is corroborated.

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