
Anthropogenic impacts can lead to increased temperatures in freshwater environments through thermal effluent and climate change. Thermal preference of aquatic organisms can be modulated by abiotic and biotic factors including environmental temperature. Whether increased temperature during embryogenesis can lead to long-term alterations in thermal preference has not been explicitly tested in native freshwater species. Lake (Coregonus clupeaformis) and round (Prosopium cylindraceum) whitefish were incubated at natural and elevated temperatures until hatching, following which, all groups were moved to common garden conditions (15°C) during the post-hatching stage. Temperature preference was determined at 8months (Lake whitefish only) and 12months of age (both species) using a shuttle box system. Round whitefish preferred a cooler temperature when incubated at 2 and 6°C compared with 0.5°C. Lake whitefish had similar temperature preferences regardless of age, weight and incubation temperature. These results reveal that temperature preference in freshwater fish can be programmed during early development, and that round whitefish may be more sensitive to incubation temperature. This study highlights the effects that small increases in temperature caused by anthropogenic impacts may have on cold-adapted freshwater fish.

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