
The quality of life of children diagnosed with enuresis is affected negatively compared with that of healthy children. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the education program given within the framework of nursing activities on the quality of life of children diagnosed with enuresis. The study was conducted on 60 children aged 7-12 years who applied to the urology clinic of a hospital in Turkey and were diagnosed with enuresis. Data were collected using the Pediatric Incontinence Questionnaire (PINQ). Children who met the study criteria were divided into two groups, control and experimental, using the random draw method. Participants in the experimental group were educated by the researcher with using the Enuresis Education Booklet. Of the 60 children, 43.3% were aged 7-8 years and 63.3% were male. At baseline, the children in the control group revealed a total mean PINQ score of 45.00±11.52, and the total mean PINQ score was 45.80±12.05at 1 month. At baseline, the children in the experimental group revealed a total mean PINQ score of 47.00±11.88, and the total mean PINQ score of was 32.404±8.62at 1 month. A measurement carried out in the education and control groups 1 month later showed a statistically significant difference in the total mean PINQ scores (P<0.001). Explaining the disease thoroughly to a child created a positive effect on the child's quality of life.

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