
Colors variation and aging on cloth can be obtained through dyeing repetition and the application of color reinforcement materials. In the present study, cloth was dyed with dyes from the mixed fungi of Aspergillus and Paecilomyces using three different dyeing repetitions (3, 6, and 9 times), three different mordants (CaCO3, FeSO4.7H2O, and KAI (SO4)2.12H2O), and three different other color reinforcement materials (salt, soda ash, and vinegar). The mixed fungi were grown on mineral salt glucose medium in stationary cultures in dark conditions for 4 weeks. By using the RHS color chart, the range of colors developed on dyed materials was measured. The result showed that different dyeing repetitions and the combination of those with color reinforcement materials had a great effect on the color formation of cloth by the mixed fungi dyes. The optimum condition of cloth dyeing by the fungal dyes depends on color reinforcement materials used. The combination of dyeing repetition and color reinforcement materials on the color formation of cloth by the fungal dyes generated various colors, adding a color variation on textile dyeing.

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