
One of the most important environmental factors that can has the significant effects on growth and development of the plant is drought stress. Drought condition causes the plant to undergo several physiological and biochemical changes that may have an impact on how well it functions overall. Peas belongs to a family Leguminosae which is cultivated as an edible seed all over the world which have the high nutritional importance. They are an effective source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and plant-based protein. Legumes are essential for crop rotation because they fix nitrogen in the soil, enhancing soil fertility and lowering the demand for artificial fertilizers. Around 9,000 years ago, this crop has been cultivated in the Near East and the Mediterranean region. By altering numerous physiological and biochemical processes, including photosynthesis, water uptake, and nutrient assimilation, drought stress can drastically lower the productivity of this crop due to the numerous alterations of physiological and biochemical process such as photosynthesis, water absorption ratio and nutrients uptakes. Lack of water can cause pea plants to grow slowly, have fewer leaves, and causes the crop production decline. Drought stress not only affects growth and photosynthesis but also has the potential to affect the reproductive development of plants. Not only can drought stress cause fewer flowers to be formed, but it can also cause the size and weight of the seeds to diminish. Additionally, it might lead to a decline in pea quality and production. Pea plants have a number of defense mechanisms to deal with drought stress, such as altered root systems, osmotic adjustment, the synthesis of antioxidants, and stomatal modulation. The activation of genes that control the synthesis of osmo-protectants, including proline and sugars, as well as the expression of stress-responsive proteins, like LEA proteins and chaperones, is part of the molecular defense system against drought. by understanding the effect of drought stress and its mechanism activated under the stress condition to tolerate this stress.

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