
A field experiment was conducted during summer seasons of 2014, 2015 and 2016 at Main Oilseeds Research Station, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, Gujarat. The study was designed to investigate the effect of planting geometry and nutrient management under drip and check basin method of irrigation on productivity of summer groundnut. Split-plot design with three replications was adopted to carry out the experiment. The treatments consisted of two methods of irrigation viz., drip irrigation at 0.8 PEF and check basin method at 1.0 IW/CPE as main plot treatments, three planting geometries viz., plant population @ 3.33 lakh/ha (spacing 30 cmx 10 cm), plant population @ 4.00 lakh/ha (spacing 25 cm x10 cm) and plant population @ 5.00 lakh/ha (spacing 20 cm x10 cm) as sub plot treatments and three fertility levels viz., 75% RDF (18.75:37.50 NP kg/ha), 100% RDF (25.0:50.0 NP kg/ha) and 125% RDF (31.25:62.50 NP kg/ha) as sub sub plot treatments. The results revealed that drip irrigation @ 0.8 PEF on alternate day (lateral spacing 60 cm, dripperspacing 45 cm, dripper discharge 2 LPH, operating time 1 hour and 5 minutes with pressure 1.2 kg/cm2) and watersoluble fertilizer @ 75% of RDF (18.75-37.50 kg NP/ha) in five equal splits through fertigation at an interval of 8 days starting from 20 DAS and plant population @ 5.00 lakh/ha (spacing 20 cm x 10 cm) recorded significantly the higher pod yield, haulm yield and net returns, beside 23.45 per cent water and 25 per cent fertilizer saving as compared to conventional practices.

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