
Numerous experimental data on the effects of dopants on the properties of dislocations and on the formation of dislocation structure in semiconductor single crystals grown from the melt are analyzed on the basis of model concepts derived from the results obtained in recent years (primarily by the authors of the present communication). Effects of dopants on generation, motion, and multiplication of dislocations are discussed in the high temperature range ( T ≳ 0.7 T melt), for the strress level typical for crystal growth τ/ G ≲ (10 -5−10 -4), dislocation density not exceeding 10 4−10 5 cm -2, and dopant concentrations far from the solubility limit. Changes in the dislocation structure of crystals caused by the effects of dopants on the generation, motion, and multiplication of dislocations are discussed. It is demonstrated that the changes caused by doping in the dislocation structure of semiconductor crystals can be explained on the basis of the relationship obtained between the doping impurities and the dynamic properties of dislocations.

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