
During breathing the relatively high chest wall-to-lung compliance ratio of the newborn favors distortion of the respiratory system. In this study we have examined the effect of lung deformation, generated by a hydrostatic pleural surface pressure gradient, on the static (Cstat) and dynamic (Cdyn) compliance of the isolated newborn piglet lung. Seven lungs from piglets 2-7 days old have been studied in a saline-filled plethysmograph. Static pressure-volume (PV) curves were obtained by changing the volume a known amount and measuring the corresponding changes in transpulmonary pressure. Dynamic PV curves were obtained by ventilating the lung at a fixed pressure and at 20 cycles/min. These experiments were repeated in an air plethysmograph on the undeformed lung. Lung volume history was standardized prior to each maneuver by three inflations to 20-25 cmH2O. Lung collapse was avoided by applying an end-expiratory load equal to the transpulmonary pressure at functional residual capacity. Cstat was not significantly different between the deformed and undeformed lung (P greater than 0.05). Cdyn was less than Cstat in both cases (P less than 0.025) and was reduced further by deformation (P less than 0.05). We conclude that 1) peripheral airway obstruction or the viscoelastic properties of the piglet lung, or both, decrease Cdyn, and 2) deformation increases the external (PV) respiratory work by further decreasing Cdyn.

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