
Previous studies have described the luteolytic effect of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) administered in the early luteal phase. The present work was undertaken to compare in a prospective and randomized design the effect of disruption versus continuation of daily GnRHa after human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) administration on corpus luteum function in patients undergoing ovulation induction for in-vitro fertilization (IVF). Two different studies were designed and a total of 38 ovum donors, aged 23-30 years, were included. In the first study, the effect of GnRHa on the early luteal phase of IVF-stimulated cycles was investigated (n = 27); the patients were divided into two groups, according to whether they stopped (n = 13) or continued with daily GnRHa injections (n = 14) for an additional period of 15 days after HCG administration. Blood was drawn from luteal phase days 2 to 6 (day 0 = day of HCG administration) and oestradiol and progesterone concentrations were analysed. The second study focused on the effects of continuation versus disruption of GnRHa administration in the mid-late luteal phase. A similar design was employed including six patients who stopped GnRH on day 0 and five other women who continued GnRHa for 15 days after HCG administration. In this second study, blood was drawn from days 5 to 11 and oestradiol, progesterone and luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations were analysed. IVF parameters were similar in both groups. The results indicate that continuous GnRHa administration, after HCG injection, does not produce changes in oestradiol, progesterone and LH concentrations in the early, mid- and late luteal phases compared to those patients in whom GnRHa is discontinued at the day of HCG administration. The present work demonstrates that, when ovulation induction is performed, the corpus luteum is driven primarily by the HCG, regardless of the administration or disruption of GnRHa in the luteal phase. This suggests that the lack of differences between continuation versus disruption of GnRHa may be due to the accumulation of the product over the previous 2-3 weeks of treatment.

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