
Background Chronic hepatitis viral infection is associated with wide metabolic disarrangements. HCV interacts with lipid metabolism leading to steatosis, hepatitis c virus infection is linked to the lower lipid profiles and progression of the chronic liver disease. Aim of the Work The aim of this study was to evaluate the Effect of Direct Acting Antivirals therapy on serum lipid profile in egyptian patients with chronic hepatitis C infection. Patients and Methods This study was prospective Cohort clinical study and carried out on 60 patients have chronic infection with hepatitis C who was treated with direct acting antiviral therapy on patients admitted to Aswan Fever Hospital. Results The results of this study showed that the basic demographic and clinical data in the two studied groups including age, sex, smoking habitat, comorbidity, BMI, and pre treatment laboratory findings which include blood picture, FBS and liver function, show insignificant difference between the two studied groups, this results was important to eliminate the effect of demographic and clinical data on the net results and the only variable affected on the net results was the type of treatment. In our results, the lipid profile show the following result, regarding triglyceride and cholesterol, it was found that there was no significant difference between the two groups pre treatment and all over the period of follow up, on the other hand at end of follow up after three months it was found that there was a significant increase in triglyceride and cholesterol in the two groups, but the increasing in group I (Sof+Dacal) was more than the increase in group II (sof+dacal+ribavirin). Regarding LDL and HDL, the levels of two variables pre treatment was matched without significant difference, the increase in LDL and decrease in HDL in group II was significantly higher than the increase in group II after one and three months, on the other hand on comparing the level of LDL and HDL pre treatment with the final follow up after 3 months, it was found that there was a significant increase in LDL and decrease in HDL in the two groups. Conclusion In this study, we could conclude that there was a significant increase in lipid profile in patients with chronic HCV infection treated with Sofosbuvir & Daclatasvir + Ribavirin and Sofosbuvir & Daclatasvir.

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