
Drip considered as one of modern systems which used to reduce water losses and increase water use efficiency. The present work was conducted in the experimental farm of faculty of agriculture, Tanta University, during summer 2019. The work amid to study the response of squash to three different intervals irrigation day after day; every three and every five days using D5000, PCND and PC2 emitters. The coefficient of variation C.V, emission uniformity statistical uniformity coefficient and Christiansen uniformity were calculated for all tested emitters. The results revealed that a significant effect of the intervals on the flow rate of all emitters under study. D5000 showed the highest C.V followed by PCND type. The largest C.V was shown in D5000 under every 5 while the lowest one was presented in PC2 under day after day. EU, CU and Us values for the tested emitters were larger than 90%. PC2 had the highest EU, CU and Us followed by PCND. Emission uniformity, CU and Us negatively associated with intervals. Squash plants under PC2 emitter gave the highest fruit yield and fruit quality. The results revealed that a significant decrease in fruit yield and most related traits with the increase of intervals. Irrigated squash plants every three resulted in high significant increase in fruit yield and fruit quality. Irrigated squash plants every three using PC2 was recommended to increase the yield under the Nile Delta conditions

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