
Cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus on different saw dust substrates such as Ficus carica (Fig tree, T2), Albizia saman (Rain Tree, T3), Swietenia mahagoni (Mahogany tree, T4), Leucaena leucocephala (Ipil ipil tree, T5), Eucalyptus globulus (Eucalyptus tree, T6) and mixture of all five tree sawdust (T1) supplemented with 30% wheat bran and 1% lime as basal substrates were investigated. The effects of various saw dust substrates comparative growth and yield of performance oyster mushroom were analyzed. The highest mycelium running rate (0.70 cm/day) and the lowest time from primordial initiation to harvest (3.33 days), were obtained in T4. The highest time from stimulation to primordial initiation (8.00 days) were found in T1. The highest biological yield (373.4 g/packet), economic yield (371.8 g/packet), dry yield (37.16 g/packet), biological efficiency (213.2%), benefit cost ratio (5.62), the highest average number of primordia/packet (226.3), the highest average number of fruiting body/packet (122.3), the highest average weight of individual fruiting body (4.45 g) and the highest average number of effective fruiting body/packet (21.33) were obtained in T3. Among all aspects, T3 was found as a best substrate with biological yield (373.4 g/packet) and BE (213.2 %) followed by T1, T4, T6, T5, T2 for the production of mushroom

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