
King sago palm or sago cycas are the other name of Kangi palm ( Cycas revoluta ) sago palm has been used as an indoor and outdoor landscape plant for centuries. The present study was conducted to estimate the effect of different priming treatments on seed germination of sago palm ( Cycas revoluta L.) in the research area of Department of Horticulture PMAS, University of Arid Agriculture Rawalpindi, Pakistan. The Experiment consisted of ten treatments; the seeds without pulp were soaked in solution of 500, 750 and 1000 ppm GA 3 and 2%, 3% and 4% solution of KNO 3 for 24 hr at room temperature. In case of hot water treatment, seeds were primed at 80 o C, 90 o C and 100 o C for 30, 20 and 10 minutes respectively. The effect of different concentrations of gibberellic acid (GA 3 ), potassium nitrate (KNO 3 ) and hot water on various parameters like germination rate, germination percentage, germination value, decayed seed percentage, time of germination, number of leaves and seedling height were studied. Significant results of germination rate (55.56 days), germination value (192.19) were achieved from 500 ppm GA 3 . Maximum germination percentage (73.33%) and number of leaves (2) were observed in KNO 3 at 2% followed by 500 ppm GA 3 . Similarly lowest decayed seed percentage (26.66%) and time of germination (59.41 days) were noted in 2% KNO 3 . The seedling height was optimum (19.33 cm) in 3% KNO 3 followed by 2% KNO 3 . Best germination results were obtained due to permeability of hard seed coat made by low concentrations of priming treatments (KNO 3 @ 3%).

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