
A field experiment was carried out to know the optimum planting time and spacing for cabbage cultivation in Bundelkhand region at Organic Research Farm, Karguwan ji, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi (U.P.). The treatments comprises three planting times viz., 5th November (P1), 15th November (P2) and 25th November (P3) and three spacing viz., 60 × 45 cm (S1), 60 × 30 cm (S2) and 45 × 30 cm (S3). The experiment was laid out in Factorial Randomized Design with three replications. The observations were made on growth, yield and quality parameters of cabbage. The results revealed that highest plant height, number of leaves per plant, plant spread, stem diameter, head weight, head yield, head diameter and Total Soluble Solid content was obtained with early seedlings transplanting on 5th November while, minimum days taken to head maturity and highest head compactness was observed with seedlings transplanted on 25th November. There was no significant difference observed between planting times for dry matter content. Among the spacing’s, highest growth and quality parameters were observed with seedlings transplanted on wider spacing (S1) while, highest head yield was recorded with seedlings transplanted on medium spacing (S2). The interaction effect of planting times and spacing were non-significant effect for all the parameters except yield however, highest plant height, number of leaves per plant, plant spread, stem diameter, head weight, head diameter, TSS and dry matter content was observed with treatment combination of P1S1 (5th November + 60 cm × 45 cm). The significantly highest yield (490.98 q ha-1) was obtained with treatment combination of P1S2 (5th November + 60 cm × 30 cm). Minimum number of days taken to head maturity and crop harvest as well as highest head compactness was recorded with treatment combination of P3S1 (25th November + 60 cm × 45 cm).

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