
Two field experiments were carried out during winter season (2016/2017) and summer season (2017) an clay soil to evaluate the effects of bio-fertilizers (Azospirillum and Azotobacter) and different nitrogen fertilizer sources i.e., ammonium nitrate (AN), slow release nitrogen fertilizer ureaform aldehyde (SRF) and organic fertilizer (OF) at rate of 100% in absence of bio fertilizer and at rate of 75% nitrogen from recommend dose for both canola as winter season crop and sesame as summer season crop on the growth, chemical composition as well as concentration and yields of protein and oil in both canola and sesame crops. The results of the analyzes showed that the use of bio-fertilizer with mineral nitrogen fertilizer increased plant growth rates, (number of pods/plant, height plant, weight of 1000 Seeds (g), number of seeds/ capsule, seeds and straw yields, biological yield as well as the harvest index of both canola and sesame plants compared with mineral fertilizer AN and SRF alone. The highest values of concentration and uptake of N, P and K in both straw and seeds were obtained by application of nitrogen fertilizer with bio-fertilizer. Interaction between nitrogen fertilizer and bio-fertilizer achieved suitable protein and oil percent and could be improve canola and sesame seeds quality. On the other hand, some soil chemical properties (EC, pH and O.M) were enhanced due to application of mineral nitrogen with bio-fertilizer.

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