
When grown under optimum management practises, maize hybrids yield could be low.The high yield potential of hybrid Maize is unlocked using advanced variants and optimum nitrogen fertiliser application practises. In order to assess the effect of varieties and nitrogen fertiliser rates on yield and yield compounds of maize, an experiment on the farm fields was conducted.in two cropping seasons. It is laid out with randomized complete block design in factorial arrangement with three replications. Five maize varieties (BH-540, BH-543, BH-661, BH-660, and BH-140) as main factor and two levels of nitrogen (55 and 110 Kg N ha−1) as sub factor were used with one maize variety (BH-543) without fertilizer as control. The application of nitrogen fertiliser rates affected considerably the area of the leaf and maize varieties leaf surface index. All maize yield and yield components were significantly impacted with the interaction of maize varieties with nitrogen fertiliser rates. Using half and full nitrogen fertilisers, the average grain yield benefits over management were 31 percent and 41 percent. Therefore, application of half and full recommended nitrogen fertilizer for improved maize varieties has significantly improved grain yield and recommended for Hybrid maize production.

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