
This study was carried out during the two seasons of 2010 and 2011 on El-Amar apricot fruits obtained from Kalubia governorate to compare the effect of some modified atmosphere methods on keeping quality of apricot fruit during marketing and cold storage periods. Fruit moisture loss, firmness, fruit color, respiration rate, physiological disorders and total soluble solids/total acidity ratio were studied during cold storage at 0oC (85-90% RH) and marketing at room temperature 25-30°C (60- 65% RH). The results showed that the main factors limiting the storage life of El-Amar apricot is fruit moisture loss and physiological disorders (browning pitting and shriveling). The storage life of fruits packed in polyethylene bags was three weeks, fruits coated with coat (1) (gelatin) or coat (2) (gelatin + bees wax and glycerol) had a storage life of two weeks with good fruit quality. Also, control fruits had two weeks storage life but fruit quality was less than other treatments. All treated and untreated fruits had three days marketing period at room temperature but fruit appearance was the best in polyethylene bags.

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