
A field experiment was conducted on boro rice crop at Agricultural Research Farm, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, 2014-15 to find the effect of different N levels on growth attributes, yield and yield economics by rice variety IR-8. Experiment was conducted in randomized complete block design with different N levels (0, 90, 120 and 150 Kgha-1) at different stages (Active tillering, Panicle initiation, Flowering and Heading) replicated three times. Results showed that increasing N levels up to 150 kg (¼ at Basal + ¼ at AT + ¼ at PI+ ¼ at H) significantly improved growth attributes, yield, yield economics, partial factor productivity and agronomic efficiency. However, application of 120 Kg Nha-1 (¼ at Basal+ ¼ at AT+ ¼ at PI + ¼ at H) was remained at par in all the parameters. The with one year experiment it can conclude that higher fertilizer dose when applied in splitting at different stages give better performance for the boro rice crop than the normal recommended dose.

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