
Vegetative propagation of walnut is difficult compared with that of other fruit and nut species. The present study assessed three methods of grafting (patch, shield, and chip) at various periods of walnut growth and with different timings of grafting in walnut. Early May was the best time for grafting, at which time the highest success rate was obtained by the patch method (96%), followed by chip-budding (75%), while shield-grafting showed the lowest efficiency (10%). Patch-grafting was also successful (75-80%) in early August and moderately successful in mid-June (51-55%), while the shield and chip methods had no success during these two times (0.00%). Patch-grafting was more efficient and also induced better callus formation and scion growth than the other two methods. The genotypes used did not affect grafting efficiency. The best results were obtained by patch-budding in both tested genotypes. The present findings show the potential value of patch-grafting in early May as a propagation method for walnut for establishment of guidelines for propagation.

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