
The development of improved vaccines for bovine tuberculosis is urgently required as a cost effective solution for control and eventual eradication of tuberculosis in domestic animals. Studies in small animal models of tuberculosis have shown that vaccination with culture filtrate proteins (CFP), prepared from Mycobacterium tuberculosis or M. bovis, can induce cellular immune responses and confer a level of protection against aerogenic challenge with virulent mycobacteria. As a first step in the development of a mycobacterial CFP vaccine for protection of cattle against bovine tuberculosis, the immune responses of cattle vaccinated with short-term culture filtrate proteins (ST-CFP) from M. tuberculosis and formulated with different adjuvants were compared with those vaccinated with bacille Calmette–Guerin (BCG). The adjuvants included dimethyldioctyldecyl ammonium bromide (DDA), diethylaminoethyl (DEAE)-dextran, and ST-CFP adsorbed onto polystyrene beads. Vaccination with ST-CFP/DEAE-dextran induced high levels of interleukin-2 (IL-2) but low levels of interferon-γ (IFN-γ) from whole-blood cultures stimulated with M. tuberculosis ST-CFP in comparison with the strong IFN-γ and IL-2 responses induced after vaccination with BCG. ST-CFP/DEAE-dextran also induced a strong antigen-specific immunoglobulin antibody response with both immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) and IgG2 isotypes. Vaccination with ST-CFP/beads induced a weak IgG1-biased antibody response but no IFN-γ or IL-2 response. DDA did not induce significant immune responses in animals vaccinated with ST-CFP. In comparison to the moderate delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses induced by vaccination with subcutaneous BCG, none of the ST-CFP vaccines induced a significant DTH response to either M. tuberculosis ST-CFP or bovine purified protein derivative (PPD). While the ST-CFP vaccines used in this study have not induced strong antigen-specific cellular immune responses in cattle comparable to those induced by BCG, they are immunogenic in cattle and it may be possible to overcome this problem by using adjuvants that more effectively promote IFN-γ responses in this species.

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