
This experiment evaluated the effects of dietary lysine restriction and energy density on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and meat quality of finishing pigs. A 2x2 factorial arrangement of treatments was utilized in a randomized complete block (RCB) design, and factor 1 was lysine restriction and factor 2 was energy density. The control diet was formulated to contain 3.265 Mcal of ME/kg, 0.75% lysine in the early-finishing phase and 3.265 Mcal of ME/kg, 0.60% lysine in the late-finishing phase and other nutrients met or exceeded NRC (1998) standards. Compared to the control diet (CON), lysine levels of experimental diets were restricted to 15% (treatment EL, EEL) or 30% (treatment ELL, EELL), whereas energy level of experimental diets was increased by 0.100 or 0.200 Mcal of ME/kg. A total of 100 crossbred pigs ([YorkshirexLandrace]×Duroc), with average initial body weight of 58.47±1.42 kg, were allotted to 5 dietary treatments based on sex and body weight. Each treatment had 5 replicates with 4 pigs (two barrows and two gilts) per pen. ADG, ADFI and feed efficiency were calculated in an 8-week growth trial. In the late finishing period (5-8 weeks), pigs fed ELL or EELL diets had decreased ADG and feed efficiency (p 0.05). In a metabolic trial, 15 pigs were used to evaluate the effect of dietary lysine restriction and energy density on nutrient digestibility. The digestibility of dry matter, crude fat and crude ash was not improved by restricting dietary lysine or energy density. However, crude protein digestibility was decreased (p<0.05) as dietary lysine was restricted. When dietary lysine was restricted, fecal nitrogen was increased whereas nitrogen retention was decreased. BUN concentration was affected by dietary lysine restriction; treatments ELL and EELL had higher BUN values than other treatments (p<0.01). Carcass characteristics and meat quality were measured when average body weight of pigs reached 107.83±1.50 kg. Treatment ELL had higher last rib backfat depth (p<0.05) than treatment CON, but ELL and EEL did not differ significantly. The ELL and EEL treatments had higher (p<0.05) subjective marbling score than treatment CON. Treatment EEL showed higher longissimus fat content than treatment EL and CON (p<0.01). The results indicated that finishing pigs fed a diet with 15% lysine restriction and 3.465 Mcal of ME/kg energy density had no detrimental effects on growth performance and N utilization, and could achieve substantial increases in marbling and longissimus fat content of pork.

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