
The effect of the dietary inclusion level of a three-species probiotic on broiler performance, nutrient digestibility, caecal microbiota composition and volatile fatty acid (VFA) pattern was evaluated. Day-old Cobb broilers (n = 448) were allocated in four treatments for 6 weeks. Each treatment had four replicates (two per gender) of 28 broilers each. Depending on the type of addition per kg basal diet, treatments were C (no other addition), PL (108 colony forming units of probiotic), PH (109 colony forming units of probiotic) and A (2.5 mg avilamycin). Overall bodyweight gain was better (P = 0.002) in PL and PH than in the control (2082 g) by 8.7% and 7.5%, respectively, while treatment PL did not differ from A (2341 g), which showed the highest bodyweight gain. The ileal and total-tract apparent digestibility of DM and the apparent metabolisable energy content corrected for N improved linearly (P ≤ 0.05) with the probiotic level. Fluorescent in situ hybridisation analysis showed caecal Bifidobacterium levels to increase linearly (P = 0.006) with the probiotic level. Probiotic administration resulted in altered caecal VFA patterns compared with the control. Gender effects (P ≤ 0.05) were noted for caecal levels of C. histolyticum group, Bacteroides fragilis group and Streptococcus spp., while interactions (P ≤ 0.05) of treatment with gender were seen for Bifidobacterium and all VFA components, except for acetate. In conclusion, beneficial effects on bodyweight gain, DM digestibility, apparent metabolisable energy content corrected for N, caecal Bifidobacterium levels and VFA patterns were noted with both probiotic inclusion levels.

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